A tiny bit more on the subject of ageing as I keep thinking
of other things I didn’t mention.
There are so many things we just don’t appreciate when we
have them as we never expect to lose them.
It is such a shame that we strive to change our looks when we are in our
youth thinking we should look like the airbrushed models on magazines and
really we should be enjoying our bodies and faces as they are at that
time. As we “mature” we can look back
and realise that we actually had lovely skin / hair / figure but just because
it wasn’t quite as we feel it should have looked, we have not enjoyed it at the
time but constantly yearned for something better. By the time we come to realise that it
doesn’t really matter that much, we have already lost some of what we did have. So any younger people who are reading this –
just learn to enjoy what you have got now as it will not look as good in a few
years time as it does now. Enjoy the You
and don’t think of the But If’s. You
don’t want to look like all the stars and models – you just want to look like
LOL – which brings me on to something else and just my own
thoughts here and I know some of you may shout from the rooftops at me here
about peer pressure – but why do all the youngsters want to look like clones of
each other? Apologies in advance if this
is you – but how many times do you see a group of girls all looking exactly the
same, for instance with the same just below shoulder-length straight blonde
hair with a swept aside fringe wearing the same type of make-up and the same
(or almost the same) clothes. And why
does this now extend into the twenties age group? What happened to individualism? Do they think that boys only like that type
of girl – what about all the boys that like girls with short hair or dark hair
or different figures? Who decides the
look for that group of girls - the natural blonde? LOL - and who can tell one from the other
from the back view??? So back round in
a circle to what I was saying about just being YOU.
And lastly, did you know:
July 2011
year, July had 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens
once every 823 years.
once every 823 years.
I could go on and on about this same subject. Sadly, many girls don't realize that it what sets them apart from the crowd is generally what is most attractive to guys.