Natural Gemstone Pendants - handmade by me in the United Kingdom


I make unique one-of-a-kind pendants using natural gemstones like Agate, Amethyst, Jasper and Quartz but at very affordable prices. If you want to be different from the crowd, then check out my pendants and other items. You will never see anyone wearing the same as you.

I design and make greeting cards too.

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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Why NOT to add too many friends or Like too many pages too quickly on Facebook…

I said yesterday about my ban from adding too many friends.  One of my recent blunders! Well apparently even though I thought Facebook was originally started as a friendship site to connect with all your long-lost friends, you obviously have to find them very slowly or you get into trouble.  So although though they put all these possible friends names in front of you who you may know, apparently you are only meant to click on a few at a time – as I found out to my cost.  When I joined Facebook I obviously added all my family and close friends and then being a bear collector, as I have said, I joined a couple of very active bear collecting groups that I had already known about and so when all these familiar names came up from the groups I was clicking into them willy nilly to add as friends.  Well, the next thing I knew there was a Facebook message come up that said I was asking too many friends and they had banned me from asking any more as they treated it as spam.  Why do they not give you instructions when you join that you can only invite X amount of friends each day or something similar. 

The same thing happens for Liking peoples business pages – I have also had a ban for that.  I did see a warning come up about that but it came up just as I had already Liked their page and I had left the message so was about to click Return.  So I thought I had better not Like any more that day and just clicked Return to finish what I had done.  WRONG THING TO DO.  I was banned from Liking people, from sending messages and from my wall (or anyone else’s wall) for a day or so.  I could add to wall posts already started but not leave my @pendant-heaven bit.  It didn’t affect my business page but not being able to write on my wall or to be able to message anyone was quite annoying as some people thought I was ignoring them when I wasn’t really.  But once again, why do they not tell you the criteria for the maximum you can Like in one day either (or in one week – whatever their criteria is before they cut you off). 

They tell you on the ban notice that if you continue this behaviour your account will be closed – but what does that mean – that you can’t add any more friends or Like anyone else’s page at all as it will be classed as continuing the behaviour - or do they mean you can’t carry on adding people or Liking people at the rate you have been doing???  It is one of those things you tend to do in batches as well.  You see someone’s page and Like it but see other pages on their wall that are of interest and you go off to see and then end up Liking them as well - because you were interested enough in the first place to go and see their page so nine times out of ten you may Like that one as well – and then you see another interesting message on their wall as well etc. etc.  The same with friend invites, you tend to do them in batches as well because you see others come up with lots of mutual friends because they are in the same group so you add them as well.  But other times you don’t Like pages or add friends for days (probably weeks when you have been on Facebook for a while). 

Does anyone know the standard criteria for how many in what space of time is acceptable because no-one I have ever asked knows the answer.  I have even asked the question on Send In The Troops – which is a great page that runs “Marches” so that everyone who wants to be marched upon (Liked) can add their name and join in the march to Like others.  So everyone who is doing it is happy to Like others and have others Like them – but there is no separate criteria for that to be allowed on Facebook.  So everyone runs the risk of a warning about Liking too many pages.  But no-one seems to know where the stop line is which is silly really as Facebook makes us all walk on a tightrope as to how many we should Like at once.  A lot of the LinkedIn groups have started asking people to add their Facebook name to a list so that we can all Like each others pages but no-one realises that by Liking too many in one go can seriously affect their account on Facebook. 

It was recommended that I join Google+ so I have just joined and having no idea it was even similar to Facebook, it showed all these names that are also on there who they picked up from my Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts and it seemed like they were asking me to put them into the Circles on the page – well I started sliding everyone into the Circles and then it froze on me so I though “Ooh Ooh Déjà Vu here”, so I will need to be careful on there too.  I was surprised when I got in as well that it is just like another Facebook but with a difference.  It seems I will have to spend some time on there as well now.  It is never ending, this media stuff once you start.  Every time I write another Blog or add another pendant to my Artfire shop I now have to put it on Facebook (personal and business pages), Twitter, Google+, StumbleUpon, Digg, Pinterest, +1, Kaboodle, and I am just about to join Delicious to be able to add items on there too.  It would be so much easier if I could just click one button and it would get sent to all of them.  As all potential customers use different bookmarking sites though it pays for me to use all of them.  

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting.

    I knew that you can't have more than 5000 total friends and pages, but I didn't know they would punish you for being too social too quickly.
